As we know that MCA is a very well known and good demanded Post Graduate two year degree program form this session 2020- 2019, which was earlier of three years. But to purse the MCA degree it is not necessary for an aspirant to study BCA.
Because as we know that the eligibility criteria for MCA is:
Either an aspirant has completed his BCA degree with at least 50 % marks.
An aspirant has B.Sc in Computer Science or Information Technology with at least 50 % aggregate marks.
An aspirant has any three years Graduate Degree other then the aforesaid mentioned with Mathematics as a paper in its graduation with at least 50 % aggregate marks.
An aspirant has a three years Graduate Degree like BA or B.Com or equivalent with at least 50 % aggregate marks in his graduation with mathematics as a paper in their 10+2 level.
As with the aforesaid eligibility criteria we may know that it is not compulsory to study BCA to do MCA.
The MCA Program has a well designed Curriculum to meet out the requirements of the IT industries in which we have the following important Papers & Computer Programming Labs of various languages , are sufficient enough to skilled a aspirant to be a good IT professionals even if he or she has not done BCA before MCA degree.

MCA Important papers are:
· C programming
· Database management Systems
· Software Engineering
· Design & Analysis of Algorithm
· Web Technology
· Artificial Intelligence
· Computer Based Optimization Technique
· Theory of Automata
· Computer Networks
· Data Structure
· Computer Organization & Architecture
· Cyber Security
· Compiler Design
· Cloud Computing
· Distributed Systems
· Distributed Database
· And may more elective Papers etc.
With all the aforesaid mentioned important papers there are also two to three programming labs in each semesters and a compulsory major Project in the last semester of the program.
As the MCA Admission 2020 is started for the aspirants and IIMT College of Engineering is a well known and desirable destination for the MCA aspirants due to its best placements in the top notch multinational IT companies. IIMT college of Engineering is also desirable by the aspirants due to its well qualified and experienced faculty members which inculcate the desired skill sets in their students to make them successful IT professionals. It is a best College in Greater Noida and also among the best MCA College in UP.
Unlock your tech career with the best BCA college in Jaipur, offering quality education and a strong foundation for MCA admissions.