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Mechanical Engineering offers a large kind of career opportunities to job aspirants. Now the key industries that absorb mechanical engineers include automobile, space research, aeronautical, energy and utilities, oil & gas refineries, agro and manufacturing industries etc. Even mechanical engineers have plenty of scope on Government sectors.

With the appearance of the latest technological innovations, new opportunities came into existence for mechanical engineers like nanotechnology, development of new materials with low specific gravity and high mechanical strength, biomedical applications, environmental conservation etc.

Although some of the manufacturing industries went out of focus due to the bad market scenario. Due to recent advances in the technology, the overall situation is now much better compared to other engineering streams.

Make in India initiative will bring some of the innovative projects that will take the Indian industry to next higher level. Also parallely many industrial hubs and corridors are developing that will open up lot of opportunities to mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineers are having opportunities to go abroad to serve and contribute to their manufacturing / R&D sectors, as almost all the innovations that we are seeing finds the application on mechanical systems.

We at IIMT, one of the best private engineering colleges in Delhi-NCR are offering B.Tech & M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering.

Students who desire to have a lucrative career and status in society are advised to pursue the above mentioned courses by taking AKTU Engineering Admission 2020.

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