Nowadays technologies are changing very fast and today’s cutting-edge developments will become absolute day by day. In such impulsive environment, engineers in various fields must be kept themselves upgraded. This field is a never-ending domain. Every day the world is going to become smaller and smaller with the advancement in technology. Electronics and communication stream plays a vital role in the development of the world. Technology advances result in complexity in the system. Some inventions in electronics have given shape to the modern world. There is a lot of opportunities in this field. To become a successful engineer one has to acquire essential skills and qualities that an electronics engineer should learn. Concepts of core subjects are a preliminary thing.
Following are the few technical and soft skills essential for an electronics engineer.

Technical Skills:
1. Knowledge of Core subjects:
For a successful engineer, one must have clear concepts of core subjects like semiconductor devices, analogue & digital electronics, microprocessor & microcontroller, VLSI, signals etc. Always try to brush up your knowledge
2. Various Tools and software in Electronics and Communication:
Due to advancement in technology various tools and software introduced in ECE. The task of engineers become very easier.
· PCB design and EDA tools – These tools are used to check the functionality of the circuit before fabrication of integrated circuits e.g. Cadence, Proteus, Mentor Graphics etc.
· Microcontrollers and Embedded system - To work on microcontrollers, one should have knowledge of Arduino IDE, AVR studio, Keil software etc.
· Antenna Design - There are specific tools for designing antennas like FEMM and ANSYS.
· Tool for technical computation and visualization - Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) is a high performance and versatile language.
3. Implementation of concepts :
There is always a need for qualitative and quantitative production. Apply your concepts and use various tools to improve production. Also, develop real-life projects.
4. Analytical and Problem-Solving skills:
Focus on your problem solving and analytical ability which will help you in determine your efficiency.
5. Interpersonal and Communication Skills:
With the beginning of globalization, interpersonal and communication skills now became essential for communication with clients, team members as a leader, subordinates and discuss the complex problem
6. Quality of leader:
Connect with your team, help them to learn and grow. This skill will help you to to strive to be a great leader.
To acquire technical and soft skills department of Electronics and Communication engineering in IIMT college of Engineering, Greater Noida the NAAC accredited engineering college, doing lot of efforts to encourage students to explore their skills, knowledge beyond the curriculum.These are the essentials skills that Electronics engineers should learn. Department of Electronics and Communication engineering provides a perfect environment to the students to explore their own learning. Now the admission process is started for session 2020-21.
Department is privileged to have sponsored projects from the ministry of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) GoI. IIMT has a research and development lab which has a variety of equipment to provide the facility to our young scientists. Faculty, as well as students, avail this facility. Department has received many consultancy projects. Texas Instrument Lab is well established by EdGate as a centre of excellence in Analog Electronics. To enhance technical skill in embedded system, MOU has signed with CETPA Infotech. They provide in campus training to the students. Personality Developments Program is also there to enhance their soft skills. Students participate in various competitions like Ideahakathon, AICTE Vishwakarma, Texas Innovation competition etc. Through these, all activities students explore their fundamentals. Department has well-established labs with the latest software like MATLAB, Target, EdwinXP for PCB designing, simulation in Control system, signals ad systems etc. Department also has very best placement with the high package and having a very large pool of alumni who are at a higher level in their field and doing excellent. Now engineering admission of 2020 batch has already started.