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Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is a stream of engineering which integrates the Computer Engineering and Computer Science. This programme covers the theoretical and practical aspects of computer software and hardware developments.In this stream, students will learn various subjects of computer science like computer architecture, operating systems, parallel processing, computer networks, embedded systems, analog and digital electronics,circuit analysis, computer graphics, software engineering, cloud, web and mobile computing,database systems, etc.It also include some theoretical subjects of computer science such as design and analysis of algorithms,theory of computation, data structures, numerical analysis, information theory etc. The key objective of this stream is to trainee the student in such a way that every student should be able to design, develop and troubleshooting computing software and hardware.Student can earn Under Graduate (UG), Prost Graduate (PG), Doctorate (PhD) degree in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. Student will become a Software engineer, IT administrator, Mobile application developer, Software tester, Data Scientist, etc. by doing UG program in Computer Science Engineering. By completing the PG and PhD program in Computer Science and Engineering, student will be able to become scientist in various organizations.

Career Options

Due to advancement in communication and computing technology, industry needs huge amount of manpower to develop new software and hardware. Therefore, Computer Science and Engineering is one of the most demanded branch of engineering in last few year. Now, each country is moving towards the “Smart Concept” (Smart City, Smart Home, Smart Industry, Smart Vehicle, etc.). This “Smart Concept” opened new domains in the field of Computer Science and Engineering like Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, Robotics, Cloud Computing, etc.According to a prediction done by CompTIA, number of devices connected to internet will reached up to 50 billion by 2020. This will create huge number of jobs in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.

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